Mica boards – mica insulation materials

We offer a complete range of mica insulation materials.
Mica plates are used, for example, in foundries, glassworks and heating plants, where their temperature resistance and electrical strength are used.
However, they can also be used in many other applications where the above mentioned properties are emphasized.

Insulating mica boards – THERM MICA

THERM MICA is a mica laminate designed for electro-mechanical and thermo-mechanical applications.
About 90% is made up of mica, the remaining 10% is a binder – a silicone resin resistant to very high temperatures.
THERM MICA combines high temperature resistance (up to 1000°C) with very high electrical insulation capability.

The material also has low thermal conductivity, very high resistance to pressure and chemicals. pressure and chemicals.
It is asbestos-free and
environmentally safe.

Thanks to its unique properties, the material is used for example in the glass and heating industry, but also in many other applications.

It is available in two variants:
Type P (phlogopite) has a higher temperature resistance (designed up to 1000°C)
Type M (muscovite) is suitable for use in environments with lower temperatures of 700°C, but has very high strength and durability

The THERM MICA material comes standard in 1000 x 1200 mm and 1000 x 2400 mm sheets, we can supply any other size if required.
The available material thickness is 0.2 mm to approx. 110 mm.

Both types of material are very easy to machine and work.
We also offer production and machining of customized materials according to drawing documentation.

VlastnostJednotkaNormaTyp PTyp M
Obsah slídy%IEC 60371-2>90>90
Obsah silikonové pryskyřice%IEC 60371-2<10<10
Hustotag/cm³IEC 60371-22,0 - 2,52,0 - 2,5
Teplotní odolnost - dlouhodobá°C700500
Teplotní odolnost - krátkodobá°C1000700
Ztráta hmotnosti při teplotě 500°C%<1<1
Ztráta hmotnosti při teplotě 700°C%<2<2
Tepelná vodivost - kolmáW/m.K0,30,3
Tepelná vodivost - parelelníW/m.K33
Měrné teploJ/kg.K866866
Pevnost v tahuMPaISO 527110150
Pevnost v ohybuMPaISO 178170165
Pevnost v tlaku při 20°CMPaISO 604330400
Pevnost v tlaku při 200°CMPaISO 604240250
Absorpce vody 24h/23°C%<1<1
Elektrická pevnost 20°CkV/mmIEC60371-22525
Elektrická pevnost 400°CkV/mmIEC60371-21313
Elektrická pevnost 600°CkV/mmIEC60371-21010
Izolační odpor při 23°CΩ.cmIEC 6009310 1710 17
Izolační odpor při 400°CΩ.cmIEC 6009310 1210 12
Izolační odpor při 600°CΩ.cmIEC 6009310 910 9
Odolnost proti ohniBS47611
NBN 21-203A1A1
NFF16 101MO u. FOMO u. FO
UL9494 V-094 V-0

Download the material sheet for Therm Mica mica boards here.

For more information on mica, its processing and use, see for example this resource.

Mica foils, mica paper, combined materials

We also offer mica films, mica paper and combined materials (mica + fibre paper).
These materials are used, for example, in induction furnaces where their temperature resistance, electrical insulation and low thermal conductivity are used.
However, they can also be used in many other applications where the above mentioned properties are emphasized.

Please contact us for more information.