REONPACK TS600 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
The REONPACK TS600 is a circular, spun gasket made of ECO glass yarn.

REONPACK HS600 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK HS600 is a knitted hose, made of glass yarn ECO
HS 600 G – colour-coded gasket (black)
HS 600 P – sealing with double-sided adhesive tape
HS 600 G P – colour black, taped on both sides with adhesive tape.

REONPACK PS600 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK PS600 is a knitted insulating seal made of ECO glass yarn. The sealing cord is electrically non-conductive.

REONPACK NS600 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK NS600 is a knitted insulating seal made of ECO glass yarn.
The glass yarn is reinforced with stainless steel wire to increase the seal’s resistance to mechanical stress.

REONPACK TS610 | up to 750°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK TS610 is a knitted thermal insulation seal made of high temperature HT – glass fibre.
The seal is a full replacement for asbestos materials.

REONPACK NS750 | up to 750°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK NS600 is a knitted heat-insulating seal made of high-temperature HT – glass fibre, reinforced with stainless steel wire.
The seal is a full replacement for asbestos materials.

REONPACK MS750 | up to 750°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK MS750 is a knitted heat-insulating seal made of high temperature HT – glass fibre, reinforced with brass wire.
The seal is a full replacement for asbestos materials.

REONPACK ES600 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK ES600 is a soft knitted gasket made of ECO glass yarn. The gasket is softer, more flexible and more formable compared to PS600.
ES600 G – colour coded gasket (black)
ES600 P – sealing with double-sided adhesive tape
ES600 G P – colour black, taped on both sides with adhesive tape.

REONPACK ES590 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK ES590 is a special gasket made of fibreglass strands, which are fixed with a thin braid of glass yarn. E glass is used as the basic raw material for the production of the seals.

REONPACK KS600 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK KS600 is a knitted seal of combined construction, where the core of ceramic sibral material is braided with ECO glass yarn.

REONPACK NS590 | up to 600°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK NS590 is a knitted gasket of multi-lane construction, where the glass-sibral core is braided with ECO glass yarn.
The glass yarn is reinforced with iconel stainless steel wire to increase the seal’s resistance to mechanical stress.

REONPACK MS650 | up to 650°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK MS650 is a knitted gasket of multi-lane construction, where the glass-sibral core is braided with ECO glass yarn.
The glass yarn is reinforced with brass wire to increase the seal’s resistance to mechanical stress.

REONPACK WS600 | up to 650°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK WS600 is a high quality thermal insulation knitted seal of combined construction, where the SUPERWOOL core is braided with ECO glass yarn.

REONPACK GS600 | up to 650°C | for pH 3-12
REONPACK GS600 is a knitted seal of combined construction, where the SUPERWOOL core is braided with ECO glass yarn with graphite surface treatment.

REONPACK NS1000 | up to 1000°C
REONPACK NS1000 is a special sealing gasket, made of special combed high temperature glass yarn, which is reinforced with stainless steel wire.

REONPACK NSW1000 | up to 1000°C
REONPACK NSW1000 is a special sealing gasket, made of special combed, high temperature glass yarn, which is reinforced with stainless steel wire. The core of the padding contains high temperature Super Wool material.